Limited Alley Access in Downtown Business District

Friday, July 12, 2024

Main News Photo

Phase 1 of our electrical distribution system improvement project, aimed at ensuring reliable, resilient, and redundant service, has progressed to start construction in the downtown alleys. 

What to Expect:

For residents in the current target underground construction areas depicted by the attached map, you will soon see our contractor, Watts Electric, making contact. They will inform you about the construction in your alley and work with you to locate your sewer lines and other utilities. During construction, there will be no alley access for approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Please arrange to park on the street during this time and coordinate business deliveries accordingly.

Project Details:

  • Who: Watts Electric
  • What: Installing underground electric lines to eliminate overhead power.
  • Notice: Limited to zero alley access during construction
  • When: Approximate target dates (subject to change)

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to enhance our city’s infrastructure.

We will continue to keep you updated as progress continues.

Category: Alerts, News